Weight Control

  • Provides weights and centre of gravity positions for large onshore and offshore structures or vessels
  • Supports structural analysis, planning and management of major construction, upgrade and maintenance projects
  • Assesses the impact of potential engineering and equipment modifications to existing installations
  • Tracks revision history
  • Assists ISO compliance


LoadmaX is a weight control system that provides total weights and centre of gravity (x,y,z) positions for complex facilities such as offshore platforms and vessels or to support operations such as heavy lifting where weight management is necessary.

This fully functional weight control and centre-of-gravity system can be used from conceptual or detailed design through to fabrication and installation. It can also be utilised for existing assets to assess the impact of modifications or to check stability based on cargo and ballast conditions.

A register of the weight of all items (recording the weight and centre-of-gravity for each item, planned or actual), is inherent in the system to calculate the total weight and / or centre-of-gravity.

LoadmaX is generally utilised by weight controllers and engineering professionals when operating in accordance within quality management systems that may involve compliance with ISO 19901-5:2003.

Unlimited options

Flexible solution

LoadmaX can be used on multiple complex structures, each of which may be subdivided into an unlimited number of modules and sub-modules. Components may be classified and grouped by discipline or system. Dry and operating weights, as well as weight tolerances and accuracy percentages can be recorded. Weight growth over time can also be measured and tracked.

Avoid expensive errors

Reduce costs

LoadmaX provides extensive functionality, flexibility and control when compared with other systems that are often based entirely on spreadsheets. LoadmaX is based on a robust SQL Server database that may be securely shared by multiple users. Base data from external CAD, BOM and MTO systems can easily be imported to LoadmaX.

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Construction & Engineering Companies Rely on MatriX

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Pradeep Kumar Sharma


Unithai has successfully integrated MatriX-EPS to execute best-practice fabrication work processes. The platform has caught the attention of the entire Unithai organisation and has won several awards.

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Suresh Ramadoss

Eversendai Offshore

Since the Pinnacle team is from a fabrication and design background, the team lead have excellent knowledge in the field of fabrication and they have tremendous understanding in the Quality, Traceability and Materials Management.

Testimonial Image
David Hutchinson


Without a doubt, the guidance provided by Pinnacle Business Solutions was key to ensuring efficient work processes and ultimately project success for CLOV.

Want To Know More?

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If you’d like to learn more about MatriX and how it can help you improve the efficiency of your next major steel construction project, we’re happy to talk it over with you.

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